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Next: Note:
- Multiple Algorithms for Registration of Scans coregistration software for the PVEOut project
This document is the user manual and technical reference for the
coregistration package of the EU project PVEOut. The software package has been named MARS for
Multiple Algorithms for Registration of Scans.
The PVEOut project is more precisely a project for Enhancement of Clinical Value of Functional Imaging through Automated Removal of Partial Volume Effect, sponsored through the 5th EU Framework Programme. For more information, go to the project homepage If you are presently reading the html version of the documentation, please take the folloing advice: If an image on a page is not readable, clicking on the image will take you to an unscaled version of the same image. It is recommended to open these image links in a seperate browser window. The author of the package is Peter Willendrup, willend@nru.dk. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions regarding the documentation or the programs.
Claus Svarer 2006-01-11 |