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The Software

The software that together makes up the PVEOut coregistration package, is made up by two categories of software:
  1. MARS, a set of Matlab programs developed at Neurobiology Research Unit (a department of Copenhagen University Hospital, and a partner of the PVEOut project. )
  2. Three external, more or less publicly available software packages:
    • Air 5.0, Autmoated Image Registration, by Roger P. Woods
    • SPM 99, Statistical Parametric Mapping, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Queen Square, London
    • mriwarp, by Ulrik Kjems, IMM, DTU
None of the packages from the second category are as such required, but are recommended for completeness of the coregistration package.

For installation of the programs - refer to the file INSTALL in the main directory of the unpacked distribution package.

Claus Svarer 2006-01-11

Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2006 15:26:29 CET