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Main Program next up previous
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Main Program

The main program, named MARS, provides the glue to fit together the registration subtasks described above. The program is started by isuing 'mars' on the Matlab 6 command prompt. The main program then starts, reads in setup information from the script


which should be customised to match the local setup1

Next, the main program interface appears (Figure 3.1)

Figure 1: The main program interface of MARS

The interface is used for

  • Selection of Standard File / Reslice File(s), what image(s) should be registered to which image?
  • Selection of the registration method to use. (More on this topic below)
  • Selection of 'inspection' module. Visually inspecting registration output is important for catching possible registration problems.
  • Reading/Saving coregistration mathematics (up to 12 parameter affine)
  • Reslicing of the image(s).


Claus Svarer 2006-01-11

Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Jan-2006 15:26:30 CET